Thursday, May 18, 2006

WKBI - Show #02

Our second podcast was about the game Earth 2150 and it's sequel, 2160. Kenneth inteviewed Chris and the game was thoroughly discussed.

Listen Here!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Misinformed Tech Show #03 Multimedia Players

Our podcast yesterday was about Multimedia Player. There are various multimedia players that the majority of the people use. Microsoft Window Media Player, Quicktime, and RealPlayer. Other players that are very useful if the main players won't let you open the file are Divx, VideoLAN and Matroska. These are used if the file won't open for the main three player. Now if you want to use the main player and it won't open a file that you want, then you'll have to download codecs. Codecs are what help you open the file without needing to use other players. There many various of codecs but the main ones are Xvid and Matroska.

Listen Here!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Technofile Show #08

Today on our podcast we discussed Viacom buying Xfire, The PS3 not 100% backwards compatible, Apple wants Blu-ray discs, Judge saying web surfer can't be fired, Microsoft fighting Europe, Firefox soon to over through IE, Apple introduces 17inch MacBookPro, Crusher robot, Iomega 1-TB wireless NAS box, Kodak's dual lens camera, Windows mobile behaving badly, Microsoft taking windows genuine to the next level, and finally Michigan to require online courses for high school students that want to graduate.

Today's Guest: A flat head screw driver in John's hands(he's crazy).

Our podcast includes Myself Mark, Mike, John, and Alexxx. We are students at Marchman Technical Edu. Center and Our program covers some of the top computer tech news stories this week.

Listen Here!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Class Video

Had to move it back to the top.

Wacky Waving Arms - Show #02 - iPods

Out blog is about ipod and all you can do with one. go take a listen.

Listen Here!

STAN - Show #04

This is show #4 and all of the members attended this time. Our resource was .

Alex talked about a crappy multimeter and an LED shirt. Tryin to keep up a lil LED thing we got goin. Schrecker discussed an egg that sprouts a bean plant and a universal solar charger, we had like a 7 minute long solar power debate which schreck was proved wrong many times. Nicks stories were about a water proof touchscreen shower controller and a self replicating, repairing robot (go to to see the video. And last but not least steele talked about a pair of glasses that trick your eyes to project a 30' screen and a steam washer which i dont know if thats even considered a gadget. Our random fact of the day was a Bob Ross video game. The only question was.. who would buy it?

Listen Here!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Wired News: Feds Go All Out to Kill Spy Suit

Wired News: Feds Go All Out to Kill Spy Suit

For those who don't know the government was caught putting a secret room in an AT&T building. A law suit has been brought against AT&T and the government for unlawful spying by the NSA. Now the government is trying to pull the we're above the law approach claiming national security is at risk.

If this makes you cringe visit and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation and iPAC. These groups cannot help without your support.

Read the article!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Disco Squirrelz - Show #05 - Game Consoles and Things That We Found..

So our podcasts slowly sprial down into worse and worse random-ness. Our newest episode mentions game consols, a car, a new product for sony, and the worst products of Q1 of 2006.
Hopefully you'll learn something out of the randomness but we can't guarentee anything of value is included in episode 5.

Good luck

Again parental descretion is advised.. Kinda.. Our podcasts are edited for content, but some of the views expressed make no sense and are pointless, so it may not be a good idea to let the younger ones listen, it may rot their brain and we take no responsibilty for the above mentioned rotting.

Listen Here!

Technofile Show #07

Today on our show we discussed layaway at K-Mart,'s crack downs on user profiles, gps on the PSP, a video game law over turned in Mich., super mario's ? Boxes are thought to be bombs in a small town, nailing spyware makers, guilty plea in largest piracy case, 2,000 Europeans targeted by music suits, Samsung's Blu-Ray player delayed like the PS3, Tigerdirect's rebates and finally the formating war between Sony's Blu-Ray DVD and HD-DVD.

Today's guest: Bolster's pretty new laptop(its a Toshiba Satellite).

Our podcast includes Myself Mark, Mike, John, and Alexxx. We are students at Marchman Technical Edu. Center and Our program covers some of the top computer tech news stories this week.

Listen Here