Sunday, April 02, 2006

Chuck Norris Posse Show #01

  • Hello Folks,
  • At our first attempt on a podcasting, we will try to cover the most important subjects of "gaming".
  • First topic on the board will be Guildwars, an MMORPG that is no charge per monthly.
  • Guildwars puts togeather the gameplay of Player vs Player and Player vs Monster.
  • Both of these playtypes are outstanding to attempt and try, the storyline is really great when first playing, after you're first level 20 character, it becomes sort of a grind. Which isn't too bad if you just do the storyline again and quickly finish a few questions and what have you.
  • The PvP playtype, is amazingly compeditive, there are many "builds (which will be discussed later on in the post)" which people try to counter-act and or beat with the same type of "build".
  • The only bad side of guildwars is the constant grind after you acheive you're level 20 character, and attempt to get gold, Anet the creators of the game have "nerfed" any cheap way to get alot of good stuff quickly. Which is fair, because it was creating an imbalance in the player economy.
  1. The other bad side is the fact that there is no "Open-PvP", Which means that you can't go out into the world and just fight anybody who is there, you have to be in the same "instance" with them.
  1. There are parties of 2/4/6/8
  2. The parties used in Player vs Player, are 4 and 8.
  3. This abundance of players create a certain "build" as mentioned earlier, which creates a balanced group of healers(Monks) vs damage dealers (Elementalist,Necro,Warrior,Ranger)
  • As the comparison of Guildwars vs World of Warcraft.
  • I'd like to say that Guildwars beats WoW in the graphics and no monthly fee.
  • I'd also like to say that WoW beats guildwars in the "Open-PvP" effect and the great amount of skills and combinations of the skills being used?
  • But then we bring it back to guildwars, and explain that guildwars needs skill to play, it isn't all about having the best item in the game and the most money, its about having the certain skills for that PvP or PvE match.
  • But the thing I like the most in WoW, are the races! Thats the problem with guildwars, there is one race (Humans), WoW on the other hand has tons of races, elves, orcs, blood elves, tauren, gnomes, and like mages and stuff. ;)
- Bill, Goran, and Chris, and Kyle

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