Friday, March 31, 2006

Technofile Show #05

Today on our podcast we disscused how there is more podcasts than radio stations in the world, how a judge tells the RIAA a thing or two, the mighty mouse easter egg, a new computer virus in Japan, the rumered XBOX portable comming 2007, the new name for the Revolution, the replacement for the 60Ggb iPod, Samsung developing solid state hard drives, Windows Vista comming in Jan. 2007, Nike and Google forming a new social networking site called, and finally we talked about Tom Cruise going to Yahoo.

Todays guest: Green Tea

Our podcast includes Myself Mark, Mike, John, and Alexxx. We are students at Marchman Technical Edu. Center and Our program covers some of the top computer tech news stories this week.

Listen Here!

WKBI - Show #01 - Builing a Computer

On our first podcast, we talked about all the basics of building a computer. Pretty much everything within a case. From the motherboard, to the drives, to the power supply.

Listen Here

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Wacky Waving Arms Show #01 - Web Design

A podcast about web design is out hope you enjoy. Happy Codeing!!!!

Listen Here!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The N Words - Show #03 - Computer Networking

Show #02 was skipped because it was on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It will be available on their feed once I put it up.

Topics we cover:

  • Advantages and disadvantages of using a wireless network
  • Advantages and disadvantages of using a wired network
  • The different types of topologies (star, ring, and bus)
  • Switches, hubs, and routers: how they are used
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs Power Rangers

Listen Here!!

Network Mania - Show #01 - Networking Basics

The first podcast episode will be on the OSI model.
  1. Introduction of who we are.
  2. The Basic OSI Model
  3. The function of each layer.
  4. and a Follow up discussion.

Listen Here!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Technofile Show #04

Today we discussed the xbox 360 gpu heat sink,dell's bad customer support from India, slow iPod Nano sales, Samsung showing off laptop with a flash hardrive, the new Origami project from Microsoft, the possible strike of IT people in Australia, wireless VoIP on the PSP, a fight between graphic card companys ATI and nVidia, and a bunch of other side notes that I couldn't remember.

Today Mikey didn't come to school.

Our podcast includes Myself Mark, Mike, John, and Alexxx. We are students at Marchman Technical Edu. Center and Our program covers some of the top computer tech news stories this week.


Misinformed Tech Show #02 - Browser Wars

Second podcast, and an interesting one at that. We discussed the various web browsers, including IE, Firefox, Opera, and [shudder] AOL, give our recommendations and personal preferences, and (hopefully it survived editing) yell at one of our members for falling asleep in the middle of the podcast.

Listen Here!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Disco Squirrelz Show #02 - More Google

The sound quality is not real great partly because of something we were doing in the classroom at the same time. Anyway here it is:

Show #02

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Technofile Show #03

Our podcast includes Myself Mark, Mike, John, and Alexxx. We are students at Marchman Technical Edu. Center and Our program covers some of the top tech news stories this week.

Today on our podcast we disscused issues with myspace, McDonald's new drive-through serivce, a story about how BitTorrent is actually good, Hacking Homework, Microsofts confirming the Origami project, NCsoft being sued, stealth sharks that patrol the high seas, a mini helicopter robot thats armed with a 12 gauge shoot gun, and the six versions of vista.

Listen Here

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Newbies guide to RSS Why Aren't You Using RSS?

Chances are, you're not entirely sure what the point of RSS is. I saw that little orange icon in Firefox, I've also seen their "live bookmarks" feature, which just looks cumbersome, and just never thought it could be helpful to me. Now, I wouldn't live without it. Here's why.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The whole Wikipedia in your pocket (on ipod)

For those in the dark ages who don't know what wikipedia is, it is an encyclopedia written by multiple experts. I put the link to digg but the real story and website can be accessed from there.

The whole Wikipedia in your pocket (on ipod)